WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'priority' in 'field list']
INSERT INTO wp_g1cgr79d7x_actionscheduler_actions ( `hook`, `status`, `scheduled_date_gmt`, `scheduled_date_local`, `schedule`, `group_id`, `priority`, `args` ) SELECT 'site-reviews/queue/migration', 'pending', '2025-01-19 23:37:19', '2025-01-19 23:37:19', 'O:30:\"ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule\":2:{s:22:\"\0*\0scheduled_timestamp\";i:1737329839;s:41:\"\0ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule\0timestamp\";i:1737329839;}', 2, 10, '{\"database\":true}' FROM DUAL WHERE ( SELECT action_id FROM wp_g1cgr79d7x_actionscheduler_actions WHERE status IN ( 'pending', 'in-progress' ) AND hook = 'site-reviews/queue/migration' AND `group_id` = 2 LIMIT 1 ) IS NULL

February 2020 – Auto Rental | Repair | Body
 Exciting news about we offer

Exciting news about we offer

Much cheaper than my local garage and without the logistical nightmare.of having to drop a car off at a garage and either wait around.or find an alternative way home.They picked the car up the same day I rang and it…